Tuesday, December 23, 2008

this place is filled with seagulls.

i got the new a.c. newman record the other day. really it's no big surprise that i'm totally into it, as the new pornographers are one of my favorite bands, but i really had no idea how much he has to be in charge of, musically, for that band. i'm sure everyone contributes their fair amount, but get guilty really reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally makes me want to listen to twin cinema on repeat, which is exactly what i did yesterday. i haven't gotten my hands on his last solo record from '04, so this is all i have to go by, but goddamn. it's like listening to new pornos lite, and i couldn't be happier about it. and i'd expect i would bitching about that, honestly. if person l's debut sounded just like a starting line record, while i'd most certainly enjoy it, i'd probably be really pissed and never shut up about it. i'll try to think of more examples that would have made me mad, but since i have a real job, i need to go cram two days' worth of work into today before i finish my christmas shopping and then come home to bitch about whatever they were blaring through the speakers at the mall.

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