Tuesday, December 30, 2008

mondays that are tuesdays are the worst.

you won't understand the subject line, so don't bother trying to.

i had this whole idea for a post, something engaging and well-thought-out and blah blah blah and then i got home from work, had beer & m&ms for dinner, and played video games. no more desire to be productive, but it's been a week since i posted anything (thanks, christmas!) so here i am. lately i've been listening to the dodos, a.c. newman still, some new pornos, of course dynabros, and whatever else.

for whatever reason, last.fm hasn't updated the weekly snapshots yet, but when this week's is finally up i'm gonna start posting my top ten artists of the week, just for shits. maybe some giggles.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


"the questions simple" by the boy bathing = "runaway train" by soul asylum.

this place is filled with seagulls.

i got the new a.c. newman record the other day. really it's no big surprise that i'm totally into it, as the new pornographers are one of my favorite bands, but i really had no idea how much he has to be in charge of, musically, for that band. i'm sure everyone contributes their fair amount, but get guilty really reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaally makes me want to listen to twin cinema on repeat, which is exactly what i did yesterday. i haven't gotten my hands on his last solo record from '04, so this is all i have to go by, but goddamn. it's like listening to new pornos lite, and i couldn't be happier about it. and i'd expect i would bitching about that, honestly. if person l's debut sounded just like a starting line record, while i'd most certainly enjoy it, i'd probably be really pissed and never shut up about it. i'll try to think of more examples that would have made me mad, but since i have a real job, i need to go cram two days' worth of work into today before i finish my christmas shopping and then come home to bitch about whatever they were blaring through the speakers at the mall.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

round john virgin.

kidz bop.
have i ever told any of you how much i fucking hate kidz bop?
well let me tell you now: i really fucking hate it.

i'm sitting downstairs, watching my mom try to fix the fuses in the christmas lights that went out and drinking some awesome hot cocoa, and the commercial comes on for kidz bop 14. i had just seen the commercial for the new alvin & the chipmunks record. i laughed during that commercial when they said if you call right now you get two copies for the price of one. same deal with kidz bop. two copies. for 20$. with 6$ s&h. still not a deal. i told my mom i'm never having kids because i'm not ever listening to anything as bad as that on repeat for days unless i damn well want to. aaanyway, they're going through the songs on this volume and we got to "see you again" by miley cyrus. now, i understand that some of the songs have great beats and catchy choruses but are about shooting bitches or total fucking, so they have to sanitize the lyrics and then market it to conscious parents. whyyyyyyy did they need to do that to a song already sung by a kid!? i will never understand this shit, and i hope hearing those songs twelvity-thousand times is punishment enough for these stupid parents who will buy this shit.


Thursday, December 18, 2008

these words, man.

i keep coming across records that i would totally totally love if they were instrumental, because the vocals are fucking terrible. i'm gonna start making a list.
for now, from what i can pull from the top of my head before i pass out:
folie a deux, fall out boy
weirdo rippers, no age
happy fun party, middle states

that last one i have no hostility towards. no age i expected to be good, and i expected to like the new fall out boy (there's a difference), but middle states was a random team clermont cd we got at the office, and i take all of those home to check out.

anyway, i have to go to bed now, as i have to race the snow to new haven tomorrow morning and hope that i win.

oh my godddd, this sooooong.

so, this will only make sense to one person, and he may or may not read this, but i'm listening to harlem shakes at work and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall i can think is "oh my god! that band! they're doing that thing i like! over and over!" hahahaha. someone has to go see them with me in feb. they're playing with tokyo police club, c'moooooooooooooooooon. (/Gob. thanks, alex.)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

these are my friends, this is who they have been for always.

last night ted leo played a benefit show at the space for a friend of a friend who passed away last month. it was really sweet, the place was packed. i've been there a load of times and don't think i've ever seen that many people there. today, i found out that they raised something like $2300 for the charity of his family's choice, i think something to do with yale. keep in mind that it was a minimum $5 donation and there were only about 200 people there, and that's a very generous bunch of connecticritters. seriously.

in other news, i finally got to listen to some harlem shakes this morning, courtesy of brian. i was sold after 3 seconds. borrowed that, no age and the fucking champs from him. will probably become obsessed with each of those records as soon as i totally wear out tokyo police club. no word on when that will be, though.

edit: ryan dynabros was right. no age is terrible. i'm gonna give the whole record an actual listen-through while i'm working tomorrow, but seriously. harlem shakes are totally fantastic, and the fucking champs are making me laugh/nerd out and wish thor axe had recorded an album already.


and this is how it goes.

holy crap, i am back. this blog will be for things that can't be summarized just by posting a photo here. also, i can't seem to be able to get a blog to do cd/show reviews for work, so those will go here too. more to come later. i've been at my desk for close to 10 hours (and rocking out for most of it), so i'm gonna go home, wash some clothes and pass out. seriously.